Glass Fusions

These are my first explorations in glass fusion. Very basic but enjoyable process. The glass is 3 or 4 mm float glass.

Still in the Wind (1st Current)

Experimenting with resampling and remixing software on a piano improvisation I recorded a while back. I can’t read music or play piano, but I am curious as to how to make music (or should it be ‘soundscapes’?) despite these limitations.

Perhaps this is rather like working with found objects but instead of objects, musical notes and phrases which are stumbled upon and then rearranged.

This piece seems to fall in and out of melodic patterns, moving on, never really settling.

Walk The Plank: Bunting

I spent the morning helping Walk The Plank make bunting for their upcoming ‘fire garden’ -‘Heaton Sparks’ show in Heaton Park. Lots of cutting out triangles for bunting. Glad to have been of help but I don’t think I will be doing more – not quite my sort of thing.